All about Engines!

The last 3 weeks in my Intro to Ag class we have been doing all things engines, which meant we tore apart our engines and are currently finishing putting them back together. I was somewhat excited and also very scared to teach this unit. I have some background with engines from classes but did not feel comfortable in the subject area. 

This is why I ended up choosing this as my DIY project was for my CT and I do disassemble and reassemble our engines. I learned a lot through just putting myself though what I expected my students to do. I was able to see some of the issues that my students may encounter, which has helped me be able to teach this unit. 

Through out this unit, I have learned a lot about managing students in a lab space. We did a week of engine lecture before we started tearing them apart, which included the engine basics, 4 strokes, and safety. Then we started tear down. Some of the things that I found that worked well was using lab notebooks; it was really nice for them to do everything in one spot. In their lab notebooks they had to record part name, function, and tools used. Then every week, I did lab notebook checks to make sure they were on track. Also, everyday I made a list of parts we should putting on or taking off which helped keep everyone on track. Just writing down what needed to get done seemed to help students because if they got lost they could just check back to that list. 

Some things I am trying to still work through are how to keep different groups at the same spot and students who are finished to work on other productive things but not get too far away. I also give students time to clean up but getting students to put all the tools exactly where they are supposed to go has been challenge and something I am still trying to approve. As we were wrapping things up this week and are doing that next week keeping students productive while others are finishing up is going to be one of my goals, as well as having them going through all the tools and reorganizing and put them away so I do not have to spend a lot of time trying to find and reorganize things. 

At first I was very scared to teach engines, but as it comes to a close, I have actually enjoyed this unit a lot. 

Week 13 (omg, thats insane) is finished, and theres only 2 more weeks of student teaching left!


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