4-H Taught Me...
4-H taught me lose gracefully and win humbly. This is way easier said than done, and is always something I am working on because I am super competitive. But I have learned that there are more important things than winning a flashy banner (even though that is nice), it is also pretty cool to see a little boy or girl win their first banner and remember back to when I won mine and how proud I was of that all of my hard work paid off and I can only hope to share that with as many younger members as possible. So, while, let’s be honest, it sucks to lose, 4-H taught me there is more to life than winning and learning and growing along the journey is most important. 4-H taught me the value of relationships. This goes along with my last point about how winning is not everything, the relationships I have built from 4-H will last a lifetime and way past when those banners start to fade. I have met some of the best people in my life through 4-H, which I have shared laughs, tears, adventure...