4-H Taught Me...
4-H taught me lose gracefully and win humbly.
This is way easier said than done, and is always something I am working on because I am super competitive. But I have learned that there are more important things than winning a flashy banner (even though that is nice), it is also pretty cool to see a little boy or girl win their first banner and remember back to when I won mine and how proud I was of that all of my hard work paid off and I can only hope to share that with as many younger members as possible. So, while, let’s be honest, it sucks to lose, 4-H taught me there is more to life than winning and learning and growing along the journey is most important.
4-H taught me the value of relationships.
This goes along with my last point about how winning is not everything, the relationships I have built from 4-H will last a lifetime and way past when those banners start to fade. I have met some of the best people in my life through 4-H, which I have shared laughs, tears, adventures, and road blocks with and they have truly made my life better.
4-H taught me responsibility.
This right here is a big one, I personally think this is something all kids need to be taught from a young age and raising an animal in 4-H will teach you just that. From having to feed my animals and water them on the daily to washing and clipping and walking it taught me responsibility really quick.
4-H taught me the value of hard work.
This pairs up well with the last one of responsibility because raising animals instills a work ethic in you and helps you to learn value of hard work. From early mornings at the fairs to evenings spend in the barns or missed parties to work with your animals, you start to see that hard work is what we will get you far. And hard work is what often separates the top from the middle of the pack.
4-H taught me how educate others about the agriculture industry.
In 4-H we not only did we get to talk about, but we also got to practice educating the public. From strangers who just wanted to pet my steers and say hi to hearing brown cows make chocolate milk to adults inquiring about the behind the scenes I learned quickly how to talk to the public about this industry. But also, how much the public needed to be informed and have a place where they can receive reliable information.
4-H taught me that this is an industry worth fighting for.
4-H is part of what opened my eyes to this being the industry I want to work in because this industry will always be valuable and needed not matter what. 4-H helped me to discover the love and passion I had for ag and allowed me to see a multitude of reasons why I want and need to fight for this industry.
4-H taught me a lot.
Long story short 4-H taught me more than I could ever express in this short blog post, but has given me a wealth of knowledge and skills that I will carry with me no matter where I end up. I am so thankful for everything that 4-H has gifted me with and would encourage any child to join their local 4-H club, or FFA chapter, or other similar organizations.
And remember the ribbons and banners will begin to fade, but those memories and lessons learned will be carried along with you for a lifetime.
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