RTL Teaching Reflection

Woah, it's literally the first week and they are having us teach... wild but that's what we were here for right?!? Anyway, for my first quick mini lesson I taught about origami and how to make an origami butterfly. I felt very out of my comfort zone cause I have never done origami but it was actually fun to learn something new and teach it. It went pretty well I would say, always room to grow, but not a complete train wreck. Here's the play by play: After many failed attempts behind the sets. I showed up to my lab and taught the lesson. I demonstrated a step by step of how to make the butterfly while I had my "students" follow along with their own papers. After that we reviewed the steps and then I gave the task of them of making the butterfly and that went okay most of them were able to make them which was pretty encouraging. One main takeaway from this lab was that having a visual can be helpful so while I demonstrated the steps I think it would have been beneficial if I could have had a picture of each step for students to follow. Another important takeaway was preparation can save you and so while I could have always been more prepared, I am glad that I took the time to learn the steps prior. If I would have just shown up and followed the paper I would have failed miserably and it would have been a disaster. As I think about this as a teacher, I think that being prepared will never hurt you, of course, things will change, but being prepared is very important. I think another thing from this lab that I can apply is that teaching the same thing is different ways will help students so visual, auditory, hands-on, etc. will help your students learn better.


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