Interest Approach Reflection

Since my first unit that I will picking up is animal reproduction in animal science that is what I decided to write my lesson plan on. The lesson that I wrote a plan for was what are the female reproductive parts? 

For my interest approach, I had students(my peers) go on a scavenger hunt around the room to find parts of a car. They were racing against the other team to assemble the car. Then, we discussed the why we did that and how it was important all the parts of your car were functioning in order for it to drive. Then, we connected to how this is the same for the reproductive system. I also tried to connect how it is important for us to understand a basis of how the car runs just as it would be for them or farmers to understand the basis of the reproductive system. 

After discussing how to improve the approach, instead of using a car as a middle step just to have students try and assemble the reproductive system. This would allow to students to connect the content easier and then I can also use assembled reproductive system for a follow along for my lesson. 

I think my biggest takeaway was not to overthink the interest approach and the more direct connection that can be made from the approach to the content the better. 

Overall, I think this type of interest approach could be used for multiple subject and adapted to many classes in the future. It was also nice to see other examples of interest approaches and how I can utilize those in my classes as well.  


  1. Lacey,
    Your approach is very unique and creative for the students! I love the purpose of the activity as understanding the way that something functions as a group is essential for students to prepare their mindset for the upcoming mindset. You're gunna do awesome!


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