National Convention and Inquiry Based Learning

A quick recap of National Convention:

I survived my first National Convention. It was a tiring but amazing experience to get to go to national convention with my future students and watch them navigate convention for the first time as well. It gave me an insight to some my students this spring as well as gave my some inspiration for some of my lessons. It was super helpful to get to check out resources through out the career fair and meet teachers from across the nation. 

Inquiry Based Learning 

elevant connections to your student teaching internships

1. Inquiry based learning has to incorporate both thoughts and feeling with along with this and students helping to take control of their learning with help with the why and having the students want to learn the content. This would also go hand in hand with the interest approach and thinking about when creating lesson will be helpful. 

2. Thinking about checks for understanding and how important it is in for the students to reflect and building that goes along with a teacher tip in the one reading. This suggest asked students about the high-point of the day and the frustration of the day which would be helpful checkins to use with my students. 

3. In student teaching I want to help students to build skills that will help them in their future and to help support other subjects as well. Inquiry based learning is one of the ways to do this which will help with their research, critical thinking and presentation skills. 

Connections to other courses that are part of your #TeachAg Journey

1. For me this connects to 412 when we talked about the problem solving approach which I feel like in some ways in similar to inquiry based learning. Both of this practices are having students learn something or discover something on their own with teacher guidance. 

2. In AEE 413 as well as other classes, we discusses administration buy in and have support. Inquiry Based Learning based learning takes support and a change in school culture. However, many schools and districts have made this an instructional priority. 

Triangulated Connection 

Below is a resource that helps showcase resources and information for teachers about inquiry based learning.


  1. Hey Lacey! That is great that you were able to get a better insight on the students you will be teaching in January when you attended National FFA Convention. During my Microteaching experience, one of the most important pieces of feedback I received was to frequently ask checks for understanding. Like you mentioned, asking students about key points or takeaways will ensure that we as the teachers are getting our point across.


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