I survived my microteaching about rabbits over zoom.

Let me just say, if we're being honestly teaching over zoom is gross and I do not like it. I totally understand the importance of doing this because we may have to do this in the future, but I simply do not like it. 

One thing I found very challenging was that I could not read the student's at all, I could not see all of them and I still could not tell how they were felling about the content, it is extremely hard to gauge a student's attitude over zoom. When students were writing notes I could not tell if they were done or not, which thankfully the teacher was able to assist me in that, but thinking about teaching over zoom in general that would be a hurdle for me.  I also found it was harder to get students to participate over zoom, especially when they were in a big classroom setting and i was on a screen. 

My microteaching was on rabbits which if you know me you know I knew very very little about rabbits prior to this, however, it was cool to learn more about this species and get students involved around it. It gave me some confidence that even if I do not know everything there is to know about it I can still teach about it and use the students as a resource. 

Thinking about going into the spring, I can definitely improve on giving directions effectively. Where I repeat important things but do not talk in circles. This is something I plan on working on thinking out prior to lessons. 

Overall, this was a different experience; it was a cool to get to interact with some students I otherwise would not be able to. It was a great experience to try teaching online in case I need to do that on the future, which still if possible I
will be avoiding. 


  1. I loved how you HOPPED right into some transparent reflection on your experience! As per usual, you did a great job planning so that it would FLOP and while the medium wasn't ideal, working with a new HERD of students is always a good thing to help sharpen those skills in design and delivery. You might not JUMP at the opportunity to teach virtually again, I do recommend that you keep up the alertness towards the "circles" you talk in and slip in subtle means of asking for feedback to make sure students know what you're saying and are engaged. I think you're ready for spring and hopefully by EASTER you'll have even more EGGS of knowledge to share with the cohort!


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