Tips for Zoom

Thinking about this week, I found this resource that I think could have been a helpful refresher and reminder before going into this week of virtual microteaching. 

This resource just goes over some tips for teaching over zoom, many of them I somewhat knew about but it would have been a good reminder. For example, I am familiar with the speed up and slow down features of zoom as well as hand raising, but I did not even think about using them in my teaching. This is also could've been a way for me to gauge if my students were done taking notes or if they were ready to move on. 

Another tool, I could have used more effectively is the chat and that with that students may have been more adapt to participate rather than unmuting. 

One question I still am working through is how do we effectively use zoom as more of a gust speaker with some students on zoom but not the entire class like how could I have used some of these tips?

Overall, I think this resource would have just been a good refresher of some of the zoom tactics I could have utilized better. 

Resource link:


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