A First Week Full of Varying Schedules

I have survived the first week of student teaching...

It was exciting and overwhelming and new and interesting and filled with learning. 

Watching all of the new members put on their jackets for the first time, parents being recognized, new chapters being chartered, and seniors receiving their keystone degrees...my heart was full! This week started with mid-convention which was a lot of fun. This was my first mid-winter convention, as well as most of my students and it was cool to experience that along side of them.  Honesdale was also won the ag issues competition while there so they will be headed to National Convention in October, all of the students were shocked and excited! While I was able to go to convention with them, it was a good experience to see what it looked like to have students receiving awards and competing in competitions and how that could work. 

The rest of the week I was able to spend in the classroom observing and meeting students and faculty. Tuesday was a two hour delay, Wednesday was a club period, and with spending Monday in Harrisburg, finding a routine was challenging. We were told about being adaptable and with a new schedule almost everyday, you got to be flexible. My CT even said don't get comfortable with a certain schedule and be ready for anything, which this week proved that. I was able to start planning for next week and realized how difficult it is to plan when things change so quickly, but how valuable. 

My favorite part of this week was starting to get to know my students and create some connections before I start teaching next week. I was able to see how the classroom is run and how she keeps expectations high in order to limit disciplinary actions. I also loved how she had this respect from the students while still having a relationship with them where they felt comfortable to talk to her. The art of this something that I hope to work on gaining while student teaching here. 

As far as content goes, it was cool to see the variability throughout and between classes like from working in the greenhouse to making soil pudding to debating ag issues to review board games to recording SAEs and taking care of young trout. It makes me excited to provide these types of learning experiences to my students going forward, but also overwhelmed in how in heck am I supposed to balance that. 

But all in all I had a good week of observation and am nervous and excited to tackle the next 14 weeks!

Stay tuned for more of all things navigating my student teaching experience, the fails and joys and everything in between. 


  1. Lacey,

    It is good to read about your 1st week of student teaching. I know you will have many more great experiences along the way. I know you mentioned "surviving" the first week, and it may feel overwhelming at times with all that is happening. However, I know you and your passion for students, so I expect you to not only "survive" the semester/student teaching experience, but I know you will be able to "thrive" through this experience. I really do look forward to working with you, and helping you become the best agricultural educator that you can be!

    -Dr. Ewing

  2. Lacey,

    I really loved hearing how your first week went, and I am so glad that you got to experience Mid-Winter Convention for the first time. The connections you have created with the students and those you will continue to make will truly benefit you throughout this experience. Each day will be a new learning experience, but I know you have what it takes!

    You are going to rock this!!


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