GLAG22 Recap

 I have been a GLAG intern the past couple of years so it was different not being as involved this year and being more of the consumer in was different. 

I did enjoy that they made it through out the year because it was nice to join in on the conversation through out the year rather than all at once and feel overwhelmed and then unfortunately forget about some of those resources that GLAG provides. 

One of the events I attended was the global farmer experience Growing Hope Globally. I enjoyed this a lot with it being interactive and being able to participate in the activity and not just hear about. Unfortunately, I was already done my food insecurity unit so I not able to fit it into a class this year but think it would be a good resource. I also think it could be adapted in many ways for different areas. And starting to think about how I use and able this in my environmental science class next year. 

I also was able to touch base with GLAGreads through the program and after. It was cool book choice this year and really brings in how can we talk about real world, real time events and issues. As I prep for my environmental science class next year thinking about using resources about this but also tying the issues and practices we talk about in class to current world events. 


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