My Favorite/Best Lesson: Skittles Lab

My favorite and one of my best lessons was the skittles lab that I did with mainly freshman in Intro to Ag to kick off our Food Science and Processing unit. 

Title of the Lesson: How does sight and smell affect our taste?
Length of Lesson: 2 days (46 minute periods)
Learning Objectives:
    1. Identify how lack of sight and smell affects taste based off of lab results
    2. Draw a conclusion of lab results connecting data and class discussion
Target Audience: freshman/some sort of introduction lesson

A little more about my lesson: 
During this lab, the students were blindfolded and tasted skittles to see if they could guess the flavor right and then they did the same thing again and but with their nose pinched in order to determine if sight and smell affect taste. I used this as the opener to our food science class and my students all truly enjoyed it. Another thing which took a little bit of time was that I had students write their own hypothesis and make a data table as a class instead of just give them information. While that did take time I think it was well worth it. I think this would be a great introduction activity to allow students to set up lab notebooks and start to understand your expectations as a teacher with hypothesis, data collection, conclusion, etc. 



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