SAE visit to the Rabbit

For my second SAE visit, I visited Drew Rutledge with this rabbit SAE at school, however, I was able to learn more about his other SAE projects, as well. Drew is a Sophomore and an active FFA member, he has attended national convention with Honesdale in the fall, as well as ACES in February. He has variety of experience, interests and projects so I was excited to see what he was doing with SAEs during this visit. 

Our class was gifted a rabbit, which became his SAE here at school, due to his past experience and willingness. This rabbit stays at school, where we waters and feeds her daily. He also cleans out the cage as needed.  For animal science, we decided to breed the rabbit, so Drew helped with that as well. In regards to breeding, the rabbit was not the best mother and Drew thinks that being at school with students interrupting her did not help. So unfortunately, we lost all the baby rabbits, but Drew was active in giving advice to the class, as well as coming in before and after school to help with this. While, Drew already had a lot of the skills of caring for a rabbit he was able to enhance his skills of communicating and educating others about the process of what was happening. 

Like I mentioned before Drew has many projects at home and I was able to learn a little more about those as well. He has other rabbits that he breeds for meat and some that he breeds to sell for pets. Drew has chickens that he sells eggs from. He breeds and raises boer goat to sell the offspring to other 4-H/FFA members. Along with that we raises a steer and two pigs to show and sell at the local Wayne County Fair. Regarding all of these animals he cares for them by feeding and watering them daily and cleaning out pens as needed. On top of all that he works at a butcher shop, CNS custom meats, where he helps with deboning meat, making sausage and bacon, which he seems to really enjoy. Lastly, he has a Ford tractor in his shed that is working on restoring with a goal of taking it farmshow. 

His SAE is evaluated through AET with journal and financial records. With that being said prior to the visit I looked through is AET tracker to get an idea of what was being entered and what projects he had going.

Overall, Drew is doing a great job and managing all of his projects extremely well! As far as recommendations go, believe it or not, I encouraged him to make sure he adds in all of his projects because he has other projects like his fair goats and various birds that he does not have in his AET. I also reminded him to help up with SAE journals and hours now so that it will be easier when you get to the point of applying for degrees. 


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