The Value of Real Life Experiences

I think one of the most important things in education is help make students better citizens and be ready for the real world. So helping developing those soft skills are important no matter the subject. This week and every week I try to help challenge students to improve in technical and soft skills. Another important part of the ag classroom is making it relevant to the industry, any subject you can connect to an industry is extremely value to students.

In my horticulture class, we talked all about fertilizers and dig into how farmers would actually calculate use and why this is a big problem right now. While they have a lot of industry and hands on experience in the greenhouse I think it’s important for them to also hear about other parts of the industry. So I was able to give them soil sample test and say here is our field what should we apply and why? It was cool to give them real world scenarios.

In animal science this week we were able to learn about vital signs and physical exams which is nice to learn about but it is even better when students get to actually do it so on Friday we brought in 2 dogs, grabbed a chicken and put rabbit and examine each of them. I was nervous but it was a good experience for me and the students. Thankfully a dog didn’t eat a chicken or anything, but it was interesting to compare how things went in between each of the animals.

Week 12 is done which is crazy but 3 weeks left! 


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