What I want in a Cooperating Center

As I was tasked with making a list of my top schools for student teaching, I was overwhelmed and honestly did not know where to even start. As I began to talk to some of my professors and friends, I began to realize I had an idea of what I was looking for and a place where I would fit best at. With not growing up in an FFA program I felt like that made my decision harder since I did not have as much background information on many programs. However, that led to my highest priority in looking for a program and that is a strong and active FFA program. I truly do not care if there are 20 active kids or 200 kids, I just want them to be active in events, competitions, and in the community. Going along with that a program that does SAEs is important just so I can experience both of those things that I did not have in my high school.
Another thing, I want in the school I choose is a diversity of subjects and an opportunity to experience some type of ag mech. I would like to teach more than one topic area, so that I can teach topics that I enjoy, but also work on improving subjects I may be weaker in. Along with this, as a young female teacher I would like to have some experience in a shop setting in case I have to teach that later on. I would say those are the two big must haves of a program but some other things I would like is a program and school that has a supportive administration and community. I also think it would be nice to have a cooperating teacher that is a female or at least have a female ag teacher in the program in order to get their perspective and advice


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